Emmanuel Freeman

Artist Bio:

I am Emmanuel Freeman, born in Bolgatanga, Ghana. I moved to the UK at the age of 10 and currently reside in Essex, UK. I have a background as a self-taught visual artist, working with acrylic paint on canvas and an aspiring Art director. The early years in Ghana have heavily influenced my creativity, expressed in the bold strong colours and ability to use colour to a high standard. This combined with years in England has led to a spectacular outlook and approach to art and self-expression. To date, I have participated in several group exhibitions, art projects, and courses related to art. My paintings have been purchased by people all over the world, this has been extremely adventurous, and I have loved every moment of it. However, I am very excited about transitioning into life now as an aspiring Art Director.

Artist Statements: 

This exhibition is a journey through time, capturing my artistic evolution from the early days of the 2020 lockdown to as recently as July 2024. The progression of style—from meticulous, detail-driven works to a more minimalist approach—mirrors my own inner transformation. In the beginning, there was a desire to impress, to prove my worth through perfection. But as time passed, I realized that striving for flawlessness kept me disconnected from you, the viewer. The shift in style reflects not only my personal growth but also the realities of balancing a 9-to-5 job with the demands of creativity, pushing me towards a more efficient, yet deeply emotional expression.


**“Your mind is a battlefield”** 

Born out of the mental strain of lockdown, this piece is an honest portrayal of the inner chaos that many of us faced. During a time when isolation led to unprecedented levels of loneliness, we found ways to laugh about our erratic behaviours, even as 88% of young people reported a negative impact on their mental health. This painting is both a confrontation and a catharsis—an acknowledgement of our collective struggle and resilience.


**“Made in Africa”** 

Created during the lockdown, this piece is a vibrant celebration of my heritage, a tribute to my roots in Ghana. It honors the beauty, strength, and pride of my motherland, capturing the essence of a rich and diverse culture that continues to shape my identity as an artist.


**“Now I know what freedom is”** 

This artwork began as an assignment during an art direction course, but quickly transformed into a deep exploration of what freedom truly means. Freedom, I’ve come to understand, is more than physical; it is a state of mind. This piece reflects our universal battle to liberate our thoughts and expressions from the confines that society—and sometimes, we ourselves—impose.


Welcome to a space where each piece speaks of growth, struggle, and the pursuit of connection. Here, perfection fades, and authenticity takes its place.